Majalah Irfan menggelar Workshop For Kids sekaligus launching di Aula Islamic Cultural Center (ICC), Jakarta. Majalah Irfan yang didukung ICC itu juga menyediakan website yang di dalamnya terdapat games atau permainan khusus bagi anak-anak. “Di website itu selain bisa belajar, juga bisa bermain games,” kata pengelola sekaligus Pemimpin Redaksi Majalah Irfan, Rudhy Suharto di ICC, Jakarta, Sabtu (17/3).

Dalam kesempatan itu, Majalah Irfan menggelar workshop dengan berbagai jenis dan kategori. Di antaranya workshop menulis cerita anak untuk tingkat anak dan remaja, lomba mewarnai untuk anak dengan kategori A untuk usia 4-7 tahun dan kategori B 8-12 tahun, kemudian juga ada story telling dan belajar menggambar.

Berikut ilustrasi yang jadi pilihan untuk lomba mewarnai anak-anak.

Irfan's magazine held a Workshop for Kids as well as launching at the Islamic Cultural Center (ICC) Hall, Jakarta. Irfan's magazine, supported by ICC, also provides a website where there are games or games specifically for children. "In addition to learning, the website can also play games," said the manager and Editor in Chief of Irfan Magazine, Rudhy Suharto at the ICC, Jakarta, Saturday (3/17).

On that occasion, Irfan Magazine held workshops with various types and categories. Among them are children's story writing workshops for children and adolescents, coloring competitions for children with category A for ages 4-7 years and category B 8-12 years, then there is also story telling and learning to draw. Illustration for second edition children's books. Is a book made with colorful illustrations and characters that are suitable for elementary school age until going to junior high school. For layout, I collaborated with Agung Pandoyo, who was still working at Pelita Daily.

The following illustration is the choice for the children's coloring contest.
