Lebih dari 100 ilustrasi hitam-putih yang mengisi buku percakapan Prancis ini. Ilustrasi yang dikerjakan diselesaikan dalam waktu satu bulan lebih. Dalam pengerjaannya disesuaikan dengan teks Prancis dan kalimat kerja yang mengisi pada setiap lembarnya yang ingin diisi ilustrasi. Secara visual sebenarnya ilustrasi ini hanya sebagai pelengkap dari konten yang ingin disampaikan.
More than 100 black and white illustrations that fill this book French conversation. Illustrations were done completed within one month more. In the process adapted to the French text and line work that fills in every page that you want to fill the illustration. Visually, this illustration is actually only as a complement of the content to be conveyed.
More than 100 black and white illustrations that fill this book French conversation. Illustrations were done completed within one month more. In the process adapted to the French text and line work that fills in every page that you want to fill the illustration. Visually, this illustration is actually only as a complement of the content to be conveyed.
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